
This blog will be mostly about software engineering or other tech-adjacent stuff. It’ll mostly be cool stuff I learn and/or things that I think would help other people to know.

I’m doing this for two reasons: 1) Improving my own communication skills, and 2) Translating technical or academic information into a form that’s easier to understand. I’ve found the the blog posts of others to be very helpful in that regard, and I’d like to give back to the software community in that way as well.

Pronouns: He/him.

Twitter: @gordongineering (warning: politics)

GitHub: gwbrown

Keybase: gwbrown

This blog is powered by Hugo, with a modified version of Hylke Visser’s lovely base16 theme, which is in turn based on Chris Kemson’s base16 color scheme.

Standard disclaimer: Anything I say and any views expressed here are my own thoughts and opinions, and do not reflect those of my employer.

All text content licensed CC BY SA 4.0, all code licensed MIT, unless otherwise noted. I would appreciate (but don’t require) that you let me know if you quote me somewhere.